Monday, November 26, 2007

The COND Blogography: Chris Conley

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Born, raised, and educated in the Dublin Unified school district in the great region know to international travelers as the Tri-Valley. Chris rounds out the COND with an interesting and passionate view of life. #3 of the COND and roomate of Tyler. Nicknamed 'grassy snow' because he could survive in the wild on nothing but, grass and snow... His day job (24hr. shift) is a Paramedic for AMR, ya AMBULANCE! If you call 911 and have a stick jammed into your spine you get Chris on your door step (and Josh, Cuzo Crew).

1. Favorite Food: McDonalds Double Cheeseburger
2. Favorite Beverage: 47.4 degrees
3. Favorite Video Game: Anything with guns
4. Favorite Sport: Hunting
5. Favorite Hour of the day: 8:00pm
6. Dream Car: Ford F-150 Crew Cab 4x4
7. Hair Length: Short to shortish medium long
8. Best Year: 2004
9. Relationship Status: Taken (Ashley)

Chris is a great addition to the COND and a great friend to hunt, laugh, binks, and sleep next to.


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